1384: How Mormon Stories Podcast Helped Our Family Heal

In a recent video released by paid actors supported by FAIRMormon and the More Good Foundation, Kwaku El, Brad Witbeck, and Cardon Ellis make the claim that I and Mormon Stories (and Jeremy Runnells) are intentionally “homewrecking for profit” with the work we do.

In an attempt to combat this hurtful claim, I reached out to our amazing Mormon Stories Listeners, requesting your help by sharing if/how Mormon Stories Podcast has helped your family. I have been deeply honored and humbled by the overwhelming support we have received, and would like to personally thank each one of you that were brave enough to share your own “Mormon Story” with me.

Mormon Stories podcast seeks to understand, explore, challenge, and improve the Mormon experience through stories, and has never had the intention of harming families in any way. In fact, we strive to support and mend family relationships by promoting healthy communication skills and unconditional love.

The primary objectives of Mormon Stories podcast include:

  1. Providing support to Mormons who are transitioning away from either orthodox Mormonism, or from Mormonism altogether, with a particular emphasis on:
    • Minimizing the anxiety, depression, and occasional suicidality that can accompany a transition away from religious orthodoxy.
    • Reducing the number of unnecessary divorces attributable to Mormon faith crises.
    • Creating a community of support for liberal/progressive and post-Mormons.
  2. Building greater awareness regarding accurate LDS/Mormon church history, doctrine, and theology – so that both active, believing Mormons and investigators of the church can make informed decisions regarding their investment in, and engagement with the church.
  3. Identifying opportunities for growth/improvement within the LDS church, and within broader Mormon culture.

Mormon Stories Podcast by no means benefits from the destruction of families, and we are saddened to see our community mis-represented in this way. It is my hope that the personal accounts represented in this video will be evidence of how Mormon Stories has actually benefited the lives of our listeners, and lay to rest the claim that Jeremy Runnells and myself have ever participated in “homewrecking for profit.”

Thank you.

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2 Responses

  1. I would like the men making those videos to watch the testimonial at 34:00. Or at least come up with funnier stuff.

  2. Ad hominem attacks are among the oldest defenses in the book. The LDS church does not have truth on its side, so it has to stoop to pathetic attempts like those apologist smear videos in response to honest discussion and inquiry.

    Mormonism’s truth crisis is not due to Mormon Stories or the CES Letter. It has, instead, to do with the efforts of the “good guys”. My testimony of the validity of Mormonism was blown to pieces by FAIRMORMON long before I discovered Mormon Stories and long before the CES Letter existed (or at least was published online). The sickening mass of excuses, rationalizations, obfuscations, and outright deceit put forward by Mormon apologists as answers to Mormonism’s many problems might be faithful, but they are pathetic and intelligence insulting and are the very opposite of truthful. The monumental failure of Mopologetics is, in fact, a huge part of the reason the CES Letter and Mormon Stories exist, because people with questions have no choice but to keep looking if they care anything about actual truth.

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