1506: Cody Alan’s Mormon Story


John and Carah are honored to sit down with Cody Alan, host and producer of CMT Radio in Nashville. In this fun and heartfelt interview, we discuss Cody’s conversion to the LDS Church, as well as his suppression and eventual acceptance of his gay identity.
Cody shares so much wisdom through stories about his life in country radio and the musical artists who have supported him through his long and difficult journey coming out.

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4 Responses

  1. K.D. Lang was out and was in Country at the time. She came out when her album was selling big, and it did hurt her career as I remember. Stations actually banned her music.

  2. As a gay man and HUGE country fan, this episode was absolutely momentous for me. Cody, thank you for your honesty and courage. You are inspiring and a role model for me, and I’m sure, countless others. Being gay isn’t easy. Congratulations on being able to leave the LDS church without scars and without looking back. I am reading and enjoying your book, and have put your CMT radio show on my phone and all my radios. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you. Cody, God bless you!!

  3. I think Cody is an amazing man! I love the way he tells people not to look at your life as wasted, he still values some of the lessons and things he learned. I really think he will help a lot of people. I want to get his book! Great interview.

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