Mormon Church Defends Minnesota Leader of Sexual Assault | Ep. 1595

What would you think if your Church Leaders were on the defendant’s witness list of your child’s sex abuser? In this episode, we will discuss a disturbing Mormon sex abuse case in which the Branch and Stake presidents submitted affidavits that would have aided the dismissal of new charges brought against Elders Quorum President and registered sex offender Michael Adam Davis.

Join us this Tuesday evening as LDS Member Michael Benjamin walks us through the details of this alarming case in which The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, once again, chooses to protect the institution over sexually abused children.

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5 Responses

  1. The worst part is that the choices of the church leaders are supported without question by the rank and file members

  2. In my parents ward in St Louis Mo. A man moved in to this affluent ward and said he was a Mormon and a Scottish Officer. He even wore his uniform and everything. He was older man. Everyone of course were nice and inviting to him. My parents had him over to dinner. He was assigned a primary position with children. The whole ward rallied around this new member of the ward family. My dad was suspicious about him. Internet was new. Unable to look into him. Someone also finally shared concerns. The Bishop said the concerns are in founded because his power of discernment and the Holy Ghost telling the bishop to put the Scottish guy into the primary. So sad because a back ground check found he was a sex offender and surprise not a Scottish officer. That really was so sad and irresponsible. The bishop was so arrogant. This whole problem should be exposed in a “Spotlight” type documentary. Maybe one child could avoid having their childhood destroyed.

  3. That was a really really great episode guys and gals!! Thank you so much for continuing to bring this to light. Really, I think doing an episode on every single abuser we come across needs to be here. That would really say something to the first time members that come to Mormon stories that have no idea.
    It is sickening that this is going to be the out come every single time. The “church” of Jesus Christ (who I don’t believe wants to be associated what so ever or wants to have his name as part of the church of Latter-day Saints. “The PATRIARCHAL PRICKS” 🤬😡 will Always only ever care about their reputation. Never the victims. Never the children. Always the perpetrator.. And that is just gross and disgusting and appalling.
    I wonder though, if any of these victims were their own child….. Would their church then come first?
    Most of these bishops and stake presidents are stuck in these situations with the church threatening them but hopefully some day one of their brains/hearts will gain some balls and they will leave and want to also stand up for justice for the victims. I don’t know…. It’s always a hope….🤔😞
    How do we make it become a mandatory request for any adult who will be working with kids to have a background check? I’ll add to that a small unfortunately though…… Most don’t have a record. Because of the fact it’s easy to be an abuser, a pedophile, a rapist, a molester etc.. in the LDS church. It’s the best place to be if you’re one of these disgusting, sick pricks right!? But if it will stop just one offence it would be worth it of course!! It alone won’t stop the abuse as we know unfortunately. And they’ll still protect the abusers/themselves/church.😔😡
    There are too many things that are messed up in the church like the very core of the church that most people don’t know about!!
    Which y’all are doing a great job of with all the podcasts, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook etc…. I’m always trying to think of another way that I can bring a lot of this to light… Anyway, keep it up. And, I’m happy to help any time!! Take care!!

  4. If insurers have paid out $787 million in claims re Boy Scouts of America, will the Church continue to be able to get insurance coverage? If I was their insurer I think I would want some supervision of their screening – background-checks – etc.

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