Yes.  This was very odd for all of us to receive a letter from my stake president (whom I had never met) that basically said, “I invite you to resign from the church, otherwise we will be initiating a disciplinary council.”

However, in his defense, it is my understanding now that my stake president (Dr. Bryan King) interpreted the letter we wrote to our bishop as suggesting that I did not want him to reach out to me.  I take him at his word. I will say that our clear intent in sending the above email was to tell the bishop and other ward members not to contact us (i.e., that we did not want to participate in any more investigations).  That said, have always been open to meeting and speaking with our stake president (mostly because we perceive him to be the final decision-maker regarding the initiation of a disciplinary council).  For the record, I have never asked to take my name off the records of the church: only to be put on the ward’s “do not contact” list.

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