Hey! My good buddy known as Watt is staring a new blog with some buddies. The blog is located at: https://www.purimblog.org. As I understand it, the blog is dedicated to the discussion of religion and politics, but you can read more about it here.

Anyway, Watt is one of the most thoughtful, sensitive people I’ve ever met….so this is likely to be a really good thing. Please check it out if you get a moment!


One Response

  1. John, thanks for the boost…and for the kind words. :)

    Purim (the blog) is the brain child of Jason Steed, of Jason Steed’s Thinking, who has been blogging for some time in the political arena…and was kind enough to accept me.

    Also joining us are:
    Ian R. of Probative, and
    Brian Duffin of DeseretBlog

    We hope that the discussion of politics and religion in a public and pluralistic forum will help defeat all tyrants, subdue all fanatics, and help heal the world. This is the spirit of Purim.

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