953-954: Feminist Mormon Housewives 10-Year Retrospective

Join us as we interview editors Nancy Ross and Sara Hanks to discuss their book, “Where We Must Stand: Ten Years of Feminist Mormon Housewives,” an anthology of blog posts from the first decade of the Feminist Mormon Housewives Blog, 2004—2014.

The posts discuss Mormon women’s experiences of wrestling with feminism in a conservative religious tradition. The book highlights individual moments of reflection and faith while tracking the growth and progress of a larger community and religious social movement. Bloggers and community members moved from writing to activism, witnessed the public excommunication of a community member, mourned, and changed. The Feminist Mormon Housewives blog emerged at a time when the broader Mormon feminist movement was in decline. The bloggers shared their discovery of Mormon feminist history, concerns and fears about polygamy, the difficulty of navigating church and family relationships, losing and finding faith, the worst sex talk that ever happened in a church setting, and the awakening of a broader social consciousness. In doing so, they invited a new generation of women into the movement and helped to rebuild it.

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Part 2:


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8 Responses

  1. I don’t understand popular feminism. It seems to me to be a movement where the concentration is solely vested in things wanted without appreciating any of those things which have been given. For example, I don’t see a movement to equalize child custody where women are overwhelmingly favored over men based solely on their gender. Or is there a belief by women that they are the better parent? I see a movement that calls for equal pay but the overwhelming opinion of women appears to be that they are uninterested in men who earn less than them. Very reputable studies have shown that single women will vote (nearly 75%) on the sole issue of individual empowerment and job preferences but that number dwindles to around 40% after they are married. Even in 2018, it is clear that a woman working while the man stays home and cares for the children is considered shameful, particularly by women.

    I know everyone can note an example that doesn’t conform to the above opinion. My point is not that there’s no exception. My point is where the norms lie. Personally, I don’t believe *anyone* truly wants equality. Everyone has but one life and all would like that life to favor them.

    1. I will treat your comment as sincere and respond as follows: feminism, like most -isms, does not have a unified policy platform. The unifying theme of feminism is that a woman’s sex should not deprive her of the same access to legal, economic, educational and social status as men enjoy. How to achieve that end is by no means agreed upon by feminists. Some believe that there should be complete dismantling of all gender based policies and structures to achieve equality in all things (e.g., if there is a draft for men, there should be a draft for women). In contrast, some believe that women should have special protections (e.g., paid maternity leave, different/ easier physical tests to qualify for the marines) in order to achieve equality. Some believe that there should be no gender differences at all (e.g. women should not wear dresses, or alternatively, men should wear dresses) while other feminists believe traditional notions of femininity and masculinity are harmless, or natural, or even beautiful, so long as they are not depriving people of important rights or opportunities. I’ve never heard a feminist argue that mothers should get special preference in custody decision, however, simply because they are women, and your other straw person arguments are similarly ridiculous. Perhaps in your circle it is considered shameful for a women to be the primary provider and the man to be the primary caregiver, but my family is structured that way as are many others in my circle (affluent, highly educated families living in progressive metropolitan communities), and anyone espousing your sentiment would be seen as too ridiculous to take seriously.

      1. I completely agree with the first half of your opinion but afterward, we split company. Your comment, ” other feminists believe traditional notions of femininity and masculinity are harmless, or natural, or even beautiful, so long as they are not depriving people of important rights or opportunities” is where I stand. You say ” I’ve never heard a feminist argue that mothers should get special preference in custody decision, however, simply because they are women, and your other straw person arguments are similarly ridiculous.” I find that comment completely disingenuous. Have you heard of N.O.W.? Here’s a link that’s not based on emotional hypocrisy but rather, on factual evidence, https://recalculatingthegenderwar.tumblr.com/post/142883164331/most-powerful-american-feminist-organization-kills. Simply clicking on the highlighted areas will provide many more reliable sources. I’m okay with the ad hominem levied against me but I do want you to be aware that I am all too conscious of the terms, “straw man” and “ridiculous” as concerted buzzwords to delegitimize opposing views. I’ve also included a podcast from a woman wishing men a Happy Fathers Day. I hope you watch it with an open mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Pp-0GcRVKg…………………………………Thanks

    2. Regarding your first comment, would you please cite the sources you claim because I’ve never seen them and they don’t sound accurate. It’s presumptuous of anyone (not saying you) to attempt to define someone else’s reality. Anyone can shoot down a group of people who want progress by saying they don’t appreciate what they have. That’s just a circular argument which avoids the issues. Being categorical doesn’t always work. Millions of women support an Equal Rights Bill, whether or not (!) you believe it. It is not at all clear that female primary wage earners are ashamed. Where do you get these ideas?

  2. I am a huge fan of FmH. In my early days of dissafection FmH was a home of sorts for me. 2006ish I was out based both on historical issues, and the moral issues of race, gender and sexual orientations that revealed the immorality and many times evil nature that is part of the Mormon whole. I was also very swayed by the arguments of atheism and left the church as much or more on scientific grounds as well, as to me the fact the Adam and Eve are fictitious changes everything and puts the foundations of all monotheistic religions on a foundation of sand. However after a couple of random posts (as Rudedog) at this pink site that I thought would be just a passing for me I was surprised at how comfortabe I was there, and the friends I felt connected with. I also was appreciative to develop my inner feminist, and leaned in at the feet of these wonderful women, and learned a greater love of the strength and struggle of my fellow sisters. I was a natural feminist as I watched a faithful mom have to take over for her family as my dad struggled with his struggle. I have strong sisters and an uppity, wonderful and sassy wife who for themselves as women deserve a society that demands “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex”, and they deserve my privilege as a white male to fight along side them to get this done.

    I slowly lost interest in Mormon feminism as I too saw an organization picking up the patriarchal crumbs of a deeply and traditionally flawed religion, where not only are they wrong, but wrong on such a fundamental approach towards race, gender and sexual orientation. I think that religion is in decline, and that effects this movement. However I also think that feminism itself seems to self destruct with its far left regressivism, it’s narrow channel of ally definition, and the inability to somehow drub out an “us vs them” dichotomy of the sexes. Classic liberalism is in decline and has disspeared in many leftist circles. The feminist movement in my limited worldview has been one of the groups that have left liberalism behind, as many professional, highly educated moms, wives, daughters and sisters want nothing to do with this organization. While there is nothing in movement Feminist that I necessarily disagree with, I do realize that there is a huge gulf between philosophy and policy, and sometimes highly idealistic movements like feminism forget that, and to get things done in a center right country, we have to tack to center, not away from it.

  3. John, your comment about a lost generation of feminist Mormons after the “September 6” was very insightful and 100% described my departure in the early 1990s along with many of my friends. I was a TBM BYU student at that time. I married in the temple but had feminist sympathies and was active in Voice. The “September 6” happened my senior year at BYU, and within four months, I left the church never to return. I didn’t leave because I was upset about the “September 6,” but it certainly informed my realization that there was no place for people like me within the believing community. Many of my BYU friends from that era left the Church within 1 year of “the September 6.” Had we not left, we would likely have formed an active, faithful yet feminist wing of church membership.

  4. I’d be super interested to hear a deep-dive interview with Nancy Ross and her path to ordination in the Community of Christ. I hope you’ll consider doing that!

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