A Ukrainian Mormon Story – Ksenia Andrukhiv Everton | Ep. 1557

Join us Monday afternoon for a special episode with Ksenia Andrukhiv Everton from Ukraine. Get ready for a fascinating story about her family’s journey in the Mormon Church. She will also talk to us about Russia’s war on Ukraine.

European defenders are in huge need of military-grade Helmets and Armory Vests for Territorial Defense Battalions. The Ukrainian American Coordinating Council (financial coordinator), Razom for Ukraine (media partner), and International Charitable Foundation “Come back alive” (end user) with CO Foundation Serhiy Prytula (end user) are uniting their efforts to purchase this necessary equipment. Please consider a donation here.

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2 Responses

  1. This was great
    Such an eloquent lady, and great interviewing.
    I appreciate the adult discussion that didn’t focus on shortcomings of people or institutions.

  2. Incredibly informative! Thank you Ksenia for sharing your experiences and insights of Ukraine-Russian history. Very enlightening for this Utah.

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