Alpine Utah Mormon Youth Rescue with Brad Wilcox | Ep. 1543

You’ve heard of The Swedish Rescue, right? Our Mormon Stories inbox had an influx of incensed Latter-day Saints across all spectrums of belief last night as Brad Wilcox gave a fireside talk that we’re calling “The Alpine Utah Mormon Youth Rescue.”  Just like the LDS church’s response to the wave of apostasy in 2012 affecting Swedish members, Brad Wilcox, professor of ancient scripture at BYU and second counselor in the Young Men general presidency, spoke to the youth February 6th, 2022 in a talk about how leaving the Mormon church means “you lose everything that matters”.

Join John, Gerardo, and Carah as we play clips and react to Brad explaining his reasons to the youth of the church that those who leave the faith are taking “the hardest possible route in life.” Other quotes from the talk include:

  • “Maybe instead of asking ‘why did the blacks have to wait until 1978’, maybe what we should be asking is ‘why did the whites and other races have to wait until 1829?’”
  • “We are the only Christians in the world led by Christ”
  • “When you walk away from this church you lose everything that matters in your life.”

Show Notes:

View our playlist with the full talk on our Understanding Mormonism channel.  Individual sections are included below.  To download the raw video file click here.

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The Full Talk Broken Out into Chunks (for Copyright reasons):

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: The G-O-S-P-E-L

Part 3: G is for Godhead

Part 4: O is for “Only True Church”

Part 5: S is for Spirit

Part 6: P is for Priesthood

Part 7: E is for Everyone

Part 8: L is for “Living Prophets”

Part 9: Closing Remarks


The Original Link (that we expect will be taken down very soon):


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One Response

  1. I can’t believe that here, in 2022, church officials are still dishing out the same kind of tripe I grew up listening to in the 60’s. The same uninspired dogmatic fear mongering only now it gets posted to the web so that millions can see it for exactly what it is. I might be encouraged by his apology but for the fact that he’s been repeating this nonsense for years, without a twinge of of remorse or regret one suspects, then says sorry only when he gets exposed to the broader public. The word disingenuous comes to mind.

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