My original motivation for creating Mormon Stories was to help people stay within the church after a crisis of faith. In addition, I have personally initiated several projects with the same goal, including,, and — and I continue to support these projects. I have been told by literally thousands of people over the years that these projects have been instrumental in helping them stay active members of the church. In several Mormon Stories episodes I have also consistently interviewed people with the explicit intent of helping people stay in the church. Over the years, however, I have learned that for many people, remaining in the church is no longer a possibility. Consequently, I have found the need to be supportive of individual decisions regarding church activity — and to focus on individual and familial health, happiness, and well-being (regardless of church membership status).
John, I have been a serious – possibly obsessed – investigator for a little over a year now. There are so many aspects of Mormonism that resonate with me, yet there is no way I could ever be a TBM. Once I discovered your podcasts, I thought I had found a way I could be LDS; a faithful, if not literal, believer. With the excommunication of Kate Kelly and you possibly facing the same fate, the pathway for me to become LDS seems to have come to a dead end. I can’t help but wonder how many others there are like me: people who would have been active, enthusiastic members, but members with open, questioning minds. It’s the Church’s loss as much as my loss.
Bless you for all you have done. You are truly a man of God and my prayers are with you and your family.