A Curated Revue of Hilarious Tales from Mormondom (New York City Event) | Ep. 540

DSC_0036This event, organized by Kate Kelly, was held in New York City on Saturday, April 25th, 6:30pm.  Billed as “A Curated Revue of Hilarious Tales from Mormondom,” it entailed a delightful evening of Mormon (and post-Mormon) storytelling and humor.

  • Sean Carter: Harvard Law graduate and professional legal humorist (www.lawhumorist.com). Sean is the author of the first-ever comedic legal treatise – “If It Does Not Fit, Must You Acquit?: Your Humorous Guide to the Law.” His syndicated legal humor column has appeared in general circulation newspapers in more than 30 states. Sean was baptized into the Mormon Church in May, 2011.
  • Jill Wagner: High school Spanish teacher and Story League Legend whose family comes from the Mormon colonies in Juarez, Mexico https://www.storyleague.org/legends/jill/.
  • Steven Puente: Licensed social worker practicing in a methadone clinic in Bronx, NY. Steven is a featured performer at The Moth (https://themoth.org/posts/storytellers/steven-puente), and Steven was featured in a New York Times story about young, hip Mormons (https://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/27/fashion/young-mormons-find-ways-to-be-hip.html).
  • Troy Williams: Returned missionary, Executive Director of Equality Utah and unofficial ‘gay Mayor of Salt Lake City.’ Troy worked at 90.9 FM KRCL for 10 years and was the executive producer and host of RadioActive. In 2009 he co-wrote the one-woman show, The Passion of Sister Dottie S. Dixon, and was also the producer on the TLC original series Breaking the Faith.
  • Sara Burlingame: Faith organizer at the Human Rights Campaign, from Cheyenne, Wyoming and spends more time investing in the Mormon community than any never-mo…EVER! Sara has never been a Mormon, but she has been an artisan bread baker, a poet, a Bahai and an enthusiastic casserole consumer. She is a perma-blogger at Feminist Mormon Housewives, among other fabulous endeavors.
  • Elna Baker: writer and performer of humorous stories. Her stories have been featured on radio programs such as NPR’s This American Life, The Moth, BBC Radio 4 and Studio 360. Author of The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance: A Memoir.

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7 Responses

  1. Love it!
    Just found out my Bishop wants to revoke my temple recommend and get me fired from my job for not being temple worthy. His evidence? My Mom told him that I visit sites like this. (oh no!)
    This elusive disciplinary counsel idea is like a Spanish Inquisition. I can hardly wait to hear how evil they think I am. I can hardly wait to hear their guilty dog barks.
    Do you think I can humble myself enough to eat their sparkley sht sandwiches?
    I share this with you, because my grief is immense. You, fringe people, are so awesome to open your arms to the downtrodden.
    God bless!

    1. Welcome to the fold! Everyone has their own version of Mormonism that works for them and “theirs” is obviously the most correct version and the one by which you should abide by or be damned.

      1. Dustin,
        Thanks. I sure need support with this transition. I guess I have been preparing for a few years. Bishops seem to care more about the institution than the individual (in my case).
        My Catholic friend told me, “That is so petty.”
        When did everyone seems to lose perspective? Why the witch hunt? I conformed for decades. I will try to bare it with the grace of Kate Kelly.

  2. I attended this event in New York and it was absolutely hilarious and the highlight of my week. I love that even during this time in my life of having a faith crisis I am still able to find humor and make some of the issues surrounding it light. Thanks to everyone!

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