Leaving the LDS Church as a Young Adult in the U.K. – Douglas Stilgoe | Ep. 1345

As part of our ongoing series on 21st century Mormonism outside of the United States, today we interview Douglas Stilgoe. Douglas is a 23 year old, 3rd generation Mormon raised in Warwickshire, England (Coventry England Stake).


Douglas’ story is interesting for many reasons:

For more information on Tom Phillips and the 2nd Anointing, click here.


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6 Responses

  1. Great interview! I thought I had heard almost everything about the church but there were some new things here, particularly about the temple training. Thanks

  2. I would love to see the research that Douglas compiled using only church sources. Great interview! Listening to others that h e had similar experiences helps validate the feelings that I’ve had. Many with a very similar timeline to my own.

  3. Thank you for sharing your story Douglas- I am sure this was not easy. Our family went through this as well starting at the end of 2018. It is hard and shocking to learn all the info the church has hidden away from us for so long. We lived in the UK for a while so it is interesting to see people in other countries going through all this as well. Wishing you and Alex all the best!

  4. I have watched Douglas Stilgoe’s “Nemo the Mormon” podcasts for a while. I’m sure he’s a reasonably nice guy, but if I was to describe him solely on his online content, I would sum him up as a gifted pickle sucker.

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