1410: FAIRMormon Partially Repents, Jeremy Runnells Unleashes

Join us now as Anthony Miller and Douglas Stilgoe join me to break down the recent rebranding and partial repenting of FAIRMormon, which includes:

  1. Taking down the controversial “Kwaku” / Cardon Ellis / Bradley Witbeck videos that attacked Jeremy Runnells and John Dehlin,
  2. Promising to cease ad hominem attacks, and
  3. A name change.

Show Notes:


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00:10:54 – Anthony Miller’s introduction
00:12:24 – Douglas Stilgoe’s introduction
00:13:27 – Initial reactions
00:20:17 – Brief history of the FAIRMormon videos
00:26:00 – Jermey Runnells response
00:32:30 – Drop in apologist videos
00:40:29 – Unpacking the press release announcement
00:45:50 – Apologetics then vs. now
00:51:30 – “Partial” repentance
01:05:50 – Defense of Kwaku, Cardon, Brad, and others
01:18:39 – Closing statements & conclusion

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3 Responses

  1. I am being treated the same way by my employer. Just proves the church is driven by its corporate mentality than Christ’s teachings.

  2. Excellent discussion. Personally, I’m convinced that the only reason why FAIR took down the videos was that they calculated that they were a net loss. Runnell’s response was incredibly damming to these videos for anyone who googled his name after watching them. The fact that FAIR initially praised these indefensible videos shows that they have a big moral blind spot.

  3. These videos were in the main a demonstration of increasing desperation. As bad as they were, they would have stayed if they had worked as intended. In a very real sense that is an even worse indictment of Mormon apologistics (and the supporting church and members) as the videos themselves.

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