1298-1307: Mormon Faith Crisis Retreat

Twenty-ish years ago I began trying to support Mormons in faith crisis.  Fifteen-ish years ago I began collaborating with Marriage/Family/Sex Therapist Natasha Helfer Parker to provide structured workshops to Mormons in faith crisis.  Six-ish years ago my brilliant wife Margi started joining Natasha and I in our workshop work.  Five-ish years ago, upon completing my Psychology Ph.D., we began holding monthly retreats and workshops to support Mormons in faith crisis, and specifically to help reduce anxiety, depression, suicidality, family strife, and unnecessary divorce for those experiencing a Mormon Faith Crisis.

To date, we have held over 50 of these workshops and retreats around the world.  Every one of these workshops and retreats has been rated 4.9 out of 5.  We have been consistently told that these workshops have alleviated suffering, provided hope, saved marriages, and at times, have even saved lives.

In August of 2019, as part of the THRIVE excitement, we decided to hold a weekend retreat and record the entire experience, including (remarkably) the attendee participation. This is that retreat, which was held from 8/30 to 9/1/2019 in Salt Lake City, Utah. 40 audience members participated. The following topics were addressed:

  • Understanding and Navigating a Religious Transition
  • Fundamentals of Mental Health in a Religious Transition
  • The Key to Healthy Relationships: Emotional Intimacy
  • Healthy Sexuality After a Faith Transition
  • Conscious Parenting
  • Communicating with Believing Family and Friends

This is best insight we can share to help you navigate your religious transition.  We hope you enjoy this content (especially during the Coronavirus pandemic).

Finally, a HUGE thanks goes to Clint and Jeni Martin for underwriting this event.

Part 1 – Introductions

Part 2 – Understanding and Navigating a Religious Transition

Part 3 – Fundamentals of Mental Health in a Religious Transition Pt. 1

Part 4 – Fundamentals of Mental Health in a Religious Transition Pt. 2

Part 5 – The Key to Healthy Relationships: Emotional Intimacy Pt. 1

Part 6 – The Key to Healthy Relationships: Emotional Intimacy Pt. 2

Part 7 – Healthy Sexuality After a Faith Transition

Part 8 – Conscious Parenting

Part 9 – Communicating with Believing Family and Friends

Part 10 – Closing Remarks

Part 1 – Introductions

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Part 2 – Understanding and Navigating a Religious Transition

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Part 3 – Fundamentals of Mental Health in a Religious Transition Pt. 1

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Part 4 – Fundamentals of Mental Health in a Religious Transition Pt. 2

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Part 5 – The Key to Healthy Relationships: Emotional Intimacy Pt. 1

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Part 6 – The Key to Healthy Relationships: Emotional Intimacy Pt. 2

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Part 7 – Healthy Sexuality After a Faith Transition

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Part 8 – Conscious Parenting

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Part 9 – Communicating with Believing Family and Friends

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Part 10 – Closing Remarks

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Your generous donations ensure we can continue to provide support for those transitioning. Help us keep these essential discussions alive and accessible to all by making a donation today.

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4 Responses

  1. I’m learning a lot listening to these stories. I couldn’t put a name on it before but I’ve been having a faith crisis of and on for years. Currently I don’t plan on attending the LDS church again.

  2. I’m on episode 1 of this series, but really enjoying it. I went to a weekend Mormon Stories retreat two years ago after being alone in this for the previous two years and it was amazing being with other people who were on a similar journey (and I’m an introvert). I appreciate this group being willing to share their event with the world. Realizing you’re not alone and that other people truly understand where you’re at is powerful. Thanks to all.

  3. John’s reference to the Buddhist life premise of suffering, made a connection to Genesis 3:23 (22-25) (JST): “And unto Adam, I, the Lord God, said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and hast eaten of the fruit of the tree of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it, cursed shall be the ground for thy sake. In sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.” Great!

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