Mormon Comedian Bengt Washburn | Ep. 135-136

In this series I interview Mormon comedian Bengt Washburn. Bengt has been featured on television (Comedy Central’s Live at Gotham and  The Late Late Show with Craig Fergusen) as well as on radio (including The Bob and Tom Show, The Bob Rivers Show, The KQRS Morning Show, NPR, PRI, the CBC and XM Radio). I think he’s hilarious.

WARNING: Bengt occasionally uses profane language, and there is some sexually explicit material (I’d give it a PG-13 rating).  Viewer/listener discretion is advised.

Part 1

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Part 2

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28 Responses

  1. Absolutely a great series. I never had heard of Bengt, but I’ll remember him now. Thanks John. Keep on keeping on…

  2. John & Bengt,
    You guys are awesome! Loved this one! Definitely gonna have to look up more of your stuff!

  3. We need more Bengts sitting in the big padded chairs at general conference. First we could start laughing at ourselves more and secondly we could stay awake and perhaps see the world outside of the black and white Mormon spectacles. Superb interview John, made even more entertaining with the comedy routine spliced into the interview.

  4. Hilarious stuff. I had heard of Bengt before, but this was great to hear an interview with him.

    Also, it seems something has got the Mormon Podcasters thinking of All Things Hilarious: Mormon Expression’s session today is on Mormon humor.

  5. @Swearing Elder

    Yeah is is kind of funny that both podcast came out with something Humor related at the same time. I am the one that did the video production and shot all of this content over a month ago (took a while to edit it all together). I know that Mormon Expression usually does the recording of their podcast several weeks in advance also.

    Maybe it is a sign that we all need to “lighten up” :)

  6. John,

    I’ve been following your podcast series and definitely this one is out of extraordinary! It’s awesome, two thumbs up. I can imagine yourself having your own tv show now with special guests and all. Keep it up!!

  7. Loved this interview. I’m from Mapleton. Who know that such a funny guy could come from my hometown? I’m in agreement; we Mormons tend to be a bit serious. Loved the humor!

  8. Hey John and Bengt,
    Glad to see an interview where we can laugh about the fact that we are a peculiar people. Good luck in Germany, Bengt!

  9. Hey John,

    Loved this one! My family and I have known Bengt for a long time. He is one of my favorite comedians. He used to live in Monterey for a while, where I live, and I went to see him at a local cafe where he performed. Everyone here misses him. The first stand up I saw of him was when my brother in law came out from SLC to visit and brought his Mormon Meets World. I was laughing so hard I had to pause the video for a couple minutes. If you get a chance to see it, you will love it.

    Keep up the good work!

    God Bless,

  10. John,
    I loved this podcast! Great Work! I also really enjoyed the opening song. It was a nice change form the emotional music you usually play. Bengt had a very interesting perspective and I loved his bits. Thanks for exposing me to him; I’m a fan! He’s very funny! I appreciated this podcast.

  11. Bengt,

    This was great. My wife and I were repeating your “married cannoing” bit all throughout the day today (sometimes even on purpose). Too bad I missed you at IU. I was there a few years after you. Interesting that you mentioned Cosby as an influence. I thought I heard some of that in your voices, especially for your Mom during the cherries bit. Something made me think of “a nut in every car.” And John, I’m so glad you are doing these again. They are all fantastic. Keep it up!

  12. I hadn’t heard of Bengt before but recognized his face. Will definitely be looking for more of his work :) Great interview and I’m so glad he is able to find humor in it all even though it is heartbreaking.

    Great interview!

    BTW I’ve been working through all of your podcasts… WOW! Keep going PLEASE!

  13. This was a really fun interview, and my first introduction to Bengt Washburn.

    Does anyone know where to purchase his CDs/DVD? I’d love to buy a set. Thanks!

  14. Thanks, John.

    I actually tried his website first — there’s a list of his CDs in the Bio/Resume section, although I couldn’t find a link to actually purchase anything. I also checked Amazon, eBay, and consulted Google, and so far I’m coming up empty handed.

  15. @Becky

    Since Bengt moved to Germany he is in the process of setting up the whole CD and online purchase with another vendor and hopes to have it up soon so right now there is not a link on his site to purchase his CD.

    Bengt does maintain an e-mail list so send him an e-mail at to be keep up to date on things he may be up to including when new CDs are available.

  16. I never comment on these things, but Bengt was great. Just great. Really enjoyed this interview. And really related to the “used to know everything, miss knowing everything, now I know nothing” bit. Right on. Thanks to John for doing these interviews. A nod to the production values on this one too, well done.

  17. I don’t know how I’ve not heard of him before, this guy is Hilarious!!

    Another great Podcast John!

    I’m still pondering his statement “Faith starts when you embrace doubt”, beautiful way to put it!

  18. John,

    This was one of my favorite podcast to date. Very different from most of your podcast, he was hilarious. I was laughing so hard it hurt. I really enjoyed his comments about faith and spiritually.

    As always great podcast!

    Your friend and fellow traveler,


  19. Excellent podcast as usual John.

    Had some interesting looks from fellow passengers on my bus home last night as I was trying to suppress laughing whilst listening to Bengt on my ipod.

    This is why I like Mormon Stories. You never quite know what you`re going to get but each episode extends the Mormon horizon.

  20. Hmmm, I guess I’m going to be the unpopular, but I don’t know, this just wasn’t THAT funny. To be honest, I did laugh at some of this stuff (and I’m British, so I know about funny), but it wasn’t that great. Maybe it has something to do with him being so open about the emotional neglect he felt from his family, as well the misinformation he got about sex. I just kind of felt sorry for him after that and found the whole thing just a little sad. Seems like he is not a very happy person.

    Could be all wrong. I know nothing about him other what I listened to here. I wish him all the best. If he came to my town I’d probably pay to see him in hope that he would change my mind.

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