Help Make Utah Mormon Bishops Mandatory Reporters – Protect Kids Rally | Ep. 1641

Join John as he interviews Utah Representative Angela Romero, Lindsey Lundholm, and Dr. Julie Hanks about the upcoming Protect Kids rally, in favor of requiring clergy to report abuse. ALL adults across the state, without exception, should be mandated to report child abuse. Representative Angela Romero has championed this legislation over the past two years. She is sponsoring the rally and will be the keynote speaker. Lindsey Lundholm is the grassroots organizer for the Protect Kids rally, and passionate about giving children one more safe line of defense against abuse. As a therapist and member of the LDS faith, Dr. Julie Hanks, stands in support of eliminating the clergy loophole.

Please join us at the south steps of the Utah State Capitol this Friday @ 6:30pm. WEAR TEAL in support of SA survivors.

More details here:

For those unable to attend in person, the event will be streamed live. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held fully online via Facebook live at 6:30pm on Friday, August 19th.

Currently in Utah law, clergy are exempt from mandatory reporting of child abuse. Recent news stories have highlighted how this exception can lead to serious harm for children, and a grey area for clergy. Let’s make the law clear: protecting children from abuse is the first priority. We are rallying to educate and encourage the state to pass laws that close the clergy loophole. We believe this is the year we can get it passed, to provide a safer Utah for children.

How you can help in the meantime:

🔹 RSVP to the Facebook event, and invite your circle of influence:

🔹 Follow, like, and share on Instagram @mandateclergyreporting

🔹 Sign this petition (40k+ signatures): Make LDS Clergy Mandatory Reporters:

🔹 DM or email us at to lend support, offer to volunteer, etc.

🔹 Share your story. If you would like to express how you or a loved one has been impacted by the clergy exemption, please follow this link for more details:

* Find your representative link:…

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One Response

  1. I loved this episode but would appreciate a title change as it was mentioned several times that it’s not targeting one specific religion but rather the root issue of needing all clergy to be mandatory reporters to protect children. Because of this, I don’t think the title is appropriate nor is it reflective of the episode or the rally. Thank you for taking and considering feedback.

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