Investigating Mormonism as an Apostle’s Nephew – Lynn Packer Pt. 2 | Ep. 1359

Join me today in my series with Lynn Packer – journalist, investigative reporter, and nephew to the late LDS/Mormon apostle Boyd K. Packer.

Lynn Packer was involved in many significant Utah news stories including that of forger/bomber Mark Hofmann and serial killer Ted Bundy. Lynn is perhaps most well known for his investigation of Mormon General Authority Paul H. Dunn. Lynn’s investigation directly led to Elder Paul H. Dunn being put on Emeritus Status by the LDS Church First Presidency for repeatedly telling fabricated stories to the worldwide church membership.

  • In Part 1 we discuss the early life of Mormon Apostle Boyd K. Packer, and his rise to power within the LDS Church.
  • In Part 2 we discuss Lynn Packer’s life, and his perspectives on and interactions with Boyd K. Packer while he was working as a Utah investigative reporter (and while working at BYU).
  • In Part 3 we will discuss Lynn’s investigation of LDS General Authority Paul H. Dunn, discovering that he was telling false stories to LDS Church members about his involvement in professional baseball, and in his activities as a World War II soldier.
  • In Part 4 we will discuss Lynn’s recent investigation into Operation Underground Railroad and Tim Ballard.

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11 Responses

  1. Wow, great podcast! Now I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the next segment you and Lynn Packer do. Very interesting interview Good job John 👍

  2. Lynn was already at KSL when I arrived to work there. He was in news and I was doubling in the the business side and radio on-air. I always respected his journalistic expertise (still do). He had courage to tackle tough issues–always doing a great job. This is an important story and he is the one to tell it! Best regards Lynn. Nice job John.

  3. Lynn,

    Was the prominent businessman doing questionable things, and sent on to be a mission president, Jon Huntsman Sr?

  4. Mr. Packer’s comments about Dunn and Trump hit home. I recently listened to Bagman, told by Rachel Maddow, and the story of Spiro Agnew, which is eerily close to Trump’s antics. All men, whose sole interest is self promotion and preservation. I am anxious to hear “the rest of the story”, as Harvey would say. Thanks John.

  5. regarding the Missionary discussion issues: Lynn’s moxie and tenacity about what should be done is EXACTLY how I handled things when I was early 20s. probably with the same naivety. His personality really resonates.

  6. John, I’m trying to watch the episode about Paul Dunn on the Facebook channel and it keeps breaking up It’s too hard to follow, please clean it up. Please continue the work in getting this stuff in the open. I wondered about some of his stories because years ago I looked him up in the Sporting News baseball register which is considered the Bible of Major League and he was not in it.

  7. Lynn: excellent interview so far–thank you!

    John: Love Mormon Stories, always have, but…please stop pandering to Trump supporters! You seem as afraid of Trump’s base as congressional republicans!

    In all seriousness: keep up the good work!

    p.s. Trump lost.

  8. Very interesting podcast. I just happened to be in the Vietnam war from May 70 to May of 71 so might have just missed him on AFVN. I remember the opening liner to every segment. THIS IS AFVN, THE AMERICAN FORCES VIETNAM NAM NETWORK SERVING THE AMERICAN FIGHTING MAN 24 HOURS FROM THE DELTA TO THE DMV WITH STUDIOS AND TRANSMITTERS IN QUANG TRI, DANANG, QUINN YAN, PLEIKU AND NHA TRANG WITH THE NEW NETWORK STATION IN SAIGON VIETNAM. I must have heard this ten times a day on my battery powered Toshiba portable radio while in country The whole time I was there.

    Vietnam is also where I received my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and was baptized at a place called C.O.R.D.S compound (Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support) in Can Tho which as in Mekong delta region of south Vietnam which was called VI corp. Sound like brother Packer served in I corp. which would have been the most northern region of south Vietnam. I have ever sense been a active member of the Church with a very strong testimony of the Saviors gospel. I would be interested in coming on the show as a parallel to the good and the bad that came out of Vietnam for members of the Church.

    I have also been a podcaster on FairMormon along with the REAL Bill Reel and your sister. Good Times…

    Also served in the Boise Idaho Temple as an ordinance for over two years.

    In addition to Church service I have served active in the largest Masonic Lodge in Idaho, Oriental #60 as it’s Mater in the year 2001. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Idaho Grand Lodge.

    Thanks for your time,
    -Ned Scarisbrick

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