Why More Mormons Don’t Leave the Church w/ John Larsen & Carah Burrell | Ep. 1720

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Why don’t more people leave the Church in the face of overwhelming evidence that it isn’t what it claims to be? In this episode we will discuss how the Normalcy Bias can help explain this behavior.

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12 Responses

  1. As anyone who has been on a mission knows, it is almost impossible to get people to even consider ideas that put them at odds with their group or challenge their privileged place in the universe. Mormons are just like everyone else in the world.

  2. If the choice is between being God’s super-valiant, world-saving hero who is on the verge of massive eternal glory and being the sixth generation dupe of a con man, 10% of your money and even more of your free time isn’t really too high a price. What is surprising is that anyone who has already sacrificed most of their life for the church would even question the truth claims. However, if you are still young, get out – get out. Life is soooo much better.

  3. Such a good episode. My spouse and I always wonder how people justify staying in despite all the troubling and damaging issues swirling around them. Such a good discussion. The dentist bashing sounded personal and somewhat ignorant, but I’m biased. Thanks for such a great discussion!

  4. simple, confirmation bias, repetitive brainwashing and fear of change together with a dose of smug superiority.

  5. Would really appreciate if there was a little less racism/ageism against us “old white men” on the show. Other than that, great podcast.

  6. It’s where we were raised it’s where we became who we are. ultimately lds people are raised to be good trusting and everything the 13 th article of faith describes. It’s earth shattering to recognize the truth, but it’s even worse when that pier group turns on you ( family friends, business, relationships, exct . It’s very difficult to fit in , in a normal world environment .as I have stayed semi active and look around at the gradual collapse that is taking place it is unthinkable ,the metamorphosis the church has gone through since 2008 . For those of us born in the covenant and over 50 and active all our lives it’s as difficult to go to church each Sunday as it is to hear the f word . But I still listen to John Larson, and Carah b. When they are on. The epic collapse of our society since 9/11 and this massive debt we are leaving our children will one day over shadow everything else but Mormonism as we knew it is gone . Now it’s a money making machine that literally eats it offspring. And without the truth, the bitter , selfish, unloving group that is left is reacting like a snake with its head cut off , one of the new apostles will change all of that . Just like Francis did recently over at the Catholic Church. It’s bound to happen. Just like someday the f word will fall away from our vernacular .

  7. I found this episode disturbing. I have been a mormon on the edge of the inside for 8 years and a paid subscriber to mormon stories for most of that time. The reasons people choose to stay in the mormon church are many and complex. I felt this episode demonised people like myself and presented the concept that there are no valid reasons to stay in the church. You can reject the truth claims of the church whilst finding value in the gospel message and the community. You don’t have to throw the baby out with the bath water. I disagree with a lot of the opinions expressed in this episode and think that it provided very biased and often simplistic opinions. I respect people who have decided to leave church activity and I expect reciprocal respect for people like me who chose to stay.

    1. I’m sorry you feel that way, Paul. I’m a bit surprised that was your takeaway as I think several members of the panel, including John Larsen, said mainingful and impactful things about those who choose to stay.

  8. You wanted a nickname, John Larsen, and I happen to have some SICK nickname GAME. 😎
    So, in a similar vein to Jon Bon Jovi, may I present:
    *John Gone Blasphemy
    *John Gone Heresy
    *John Gone Profanity
    *John Gone NonDeity

    Any favorites? 😁

  9. I have to agree with Paul Innis. This episode made me feel like there is not a place for me in this community. I have been a fringe member for years and although I do not hold a calling or have a recommend or pray at church. I do attend sacrament weekly for my marriage and for my family. I try my best to be an authentic person. This podcast had an icky judgmental vibe for members who are working their way through their faith trial but have not made it to the other side. 😞

  10. The most loving thing a person can do is to tell the truth regardless of the consequences. The tone of voice and passion will depend on the attitude of the person receiving the information. To decry toxic world views is a matter of courage over cowardice. To state the destructive axioms of a patternicity of thought belies indifference with positive assertion. I read a story of a German Jew who was corralled up and loaded on a boxcar to be hauled to a location where all were shot. One man hid under the dead bodies and survived. He made his way back to his town and tried to warn the remaining Jews. They did not believe him. His method of delivering the truth should not have mattered. The Nazi soldiers returned to complete their task. The warning voice was not heard by the heard.

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