1347: Mitch Shira – Impersonating LDS General Authorities as TikTok’s “genie_man”

Mitch Shira is an actor and impressionist whose TikTok videos have been taking the progressive and post-Mormon world by storm.  Under the TikTok handle “genie_man,” Mitch impersonates past and present LDS Church General Authorities with incredible accuracy and sharp-edged humor.  Today, meet the man behind the voices.

Warning: Adult humor.  Discussion of electro-schock therapy of LGBTQ Mormons.


A sampling of MItch’s videos:


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9 Responses

  1. As a cousin, thanks for the courage to keep an open mind and being true to self in pursuit of actual truth in all things.

  2. A response to “You have brought your family troubles upon yourself as you broke your Covenant” could be, “I was not given a chance for informed consent at the time I entered my Covenant. I have since learned a lot I didn’t know then.”

  3. Mitch, thanks for sharing your story. so courageous. it resonated a lot with me. I left the church about the same age as you but 10 years ago, and exactly for the same reason: to protect and maintain my integrity. I simply had to listen to my heart. Interestingly the same mechanism that brought me into the church in the first place (I was a convert). I’m so grateful now to be able to live my life as I think is right without needing to “align” my thoughts and actions with an institution.

  4. The links to sample Mitch’s tiktok videos don’t actually go to his videos. They go to the same wrong videos as the links in the MSP YouTube description do.
    Mitch does a great job and I’d like to share the links, but these don’t work.

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