The Mormon Church Abuse Hot Line with Attorney Tim Kosnoff | Ep. 1639


TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of Sexual Assault, Rape, Child Abuse, Suicide

Join John and Gerardo as they interview attorney Tim Kosnoff about the history and evolution of the Mormon church abuse hotline.  This hotline has resurfaced recently in the news in response to an Associated Press news story about the Mormon church (through its abuse hotline) telling two Arizona Mormon bishops not to report abuse to authorities, leading to seven years of child abuse in the abuser’s family.

Tim Kosnoff is a US attorney who has spent the last two decades representing victims of abuse.

His introduction to the LDS Church and their lawyers was when he represented Jeremiah Scott who was sexually abused by a serial pedophile Frank Curtis. His work, in this case, appears in Lisa Davis’ legal thriller, The Sins of Brother Curtis.  This case has led to a practice in which he has come to represent over 150 Mormon abuse victims bringing him face to face with the Mormon law machine repeatedly.


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4 Responses

  1. After hearing this intervew, O am seriously considering resignation from the LDS church.
    I have also been targeted by criminal elements acting for members of my former ward, Newport.

  2. My niece had been child raped her entire life by her dad. She had gone through 3 separate Bishops and nothing was done to help her. I sent her this video and she called Tim Kosnoff and now she has a case. Hopefully he can help her get the closure she needs.

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