How the Mormon Church Protects Itself from Abuse Claims | Ep. 1841

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Today two important AP News stories broke: – Recordings show how the Mormon church protects itself from child sex abuse claims:…

– Takeaways from The AP’s investigation into the Mormon church’s handling of sex abuse cases:…

And the Deseret News issued a response:…

Please join us at 6pm mountain today as Rebecca Bibliotheca (Mormonish Podcast), Bill Reel and Radio Free Mormon (Mormonism Live!), and John Dehlin (Mormon Stories Podcast) share recent news from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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6 Responses

  1. I listened to the entire podcast. If you continue with this new program, I suggest the following: First, if Dehlin says he’ll moderate instead of comment, then moderate. Leave the ego behind and allow the guests to speak. Do your research. You lose credibility when you wonder aloud where Hailey, Idaho is, or how to pronounce halcyon. More to the point, contact individuals pertinent to the issue. Don’t say, “If anyone knows this man, please contact him or us.” You should interview or include people on both sides of the issue if you truly want an informed, fair, and objective presentation. Finally, I lost count of how many times someone said, “I assume,” or “it seems to me,” or “I guess.” Certainly we value opinions from experts, but this podcast seemed to be a rush job without sufficient preparation or research.

  2. Love this idea, thank you for continuing to bring important topics and events to light. Fantastic seeing all of you together, what a great episode.

  3. A very sad matter. Thank you for discussing it and the Mormon Church’s response.

    Regarding one of the roundtable members who mentioned Jehovah’s Witnesses: I believe she is referring to an AP article that mistakenly grouped JW’s in with the Catholic and Mormon churches as religious organizations that lobby politicians to keep matters of child abuse secret from secular authorities. That article did not provide proof of the allegation.

    1. This comment was approved but I deleted your link. What abusive religions claim about how they handle abuse is often not the reality.

  4. Suggestion for a future episode : Lynn Packer’s investigation of M. Russell Ballard’s history of bad business and his rise to apostleship.

    Lynn Packer just released to You Tube his investigation into MRBallards business practices.

  5. It’s Halcion and it is used as an anti-anxiety medication for dental procedures. (I’m a dentist) It not only causes sedation but also amnesia which is why it is so valuable in dentistry. He’s wanting his victims to forget what he did

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