Mormon Scoops Weekly Report | Ep. 1552



BYU Join us live as John, Carah and Gerardo discuss the news topics of the week at 7pm mountain time Thursday night! 

Tonight’s topics include but are not limited to: 

  • BYU Black Student Union confronts Brad Wilcox
  • BYU forces end to “gender-affirming voice care” for transgender students
  • Utah Kaysville Devotional for Sisters Featuring Mormon Apostle Dale G. Renlund

Show Notes:

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One Response

  1. Renlund did not say lgbtq will be able to achieve the highest degree of glory. He stated that they would be eligible to receive what other christians consider better than heaven. Oaks said this too. They will get a kingdom of glory just not eligible for the higher kingdoms. He is making it sound like a compliment but he is denying that they can achieve exaltation. They are making mormonism calvinism. LGBTQ did not choose to be that way but they cannot be exalted because not married, therefore people are pre-chosen for exaltation. He has thrown Mormonism back into the days of Calvinism.

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