Women and the LDS Church Part 5 — 19th and Early 20th Century Mormon Women Part 2 w/ Dr. Claudia Bushman | Ep. 59

In our final hour with Dr. Claudia Bushman, she discusses early 20th Century Mormon women, again through writings from this era. Dr. Bushman also shares her perspective on the present and future of Mormonism and provides some encouragement to the discouraged. In her summary, she asks our sisters to consider remaining engaged in the LDS church, even as times get tough. There is hope — and perhaps more writing, meaningful projects and steely determination are key ingredients. If you happen enjoy/appreciate Claudia’s interviews, please do email me so I can pass the word along. I’m quite sure Dr. Bushman will appreciate hearing from you.

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2 Responses

  1. Oh, this is such a wonderful series. I just love Dr. Bushman! She’s so inspiring. I think I will take her suggestion and write my story, and that of my mother and grandmother and maternal aunts. Thanks so much for doing these interviews, Dr. Bushman, and John! I just discovered today that there’s a second one I haven’t heard yet, so I’m going to listen to that one right now.

  2. Fascinating! I love listening to “women of a certain age”! I’ve really only listened to Women’s Stories on here for the past two weeks and love this series! I am very glad these discussions are taking place in this forum. I enjoy sharing my thoughts on them with my husband as we navigate challenges life throws at us.

    It is fabulous how much wisdom comes with age and while I love the interviews with younger women in the church, I am IN LOVE with the seasoned women and their perspectives. I’m in the thick of young family life season and enjoying it for the most part but looking forward to going back to school when they’re all a bit older. This is the stuff I am passionate about – Women’s stories and what was described as the third wave of feminism.

    I’ve been one of those blessed with mostly good experiences in the church with great examples of men and women to glean the best from. But I know when I look around in the various places we’ve lived — SE Washington (release time seminary!), BYU, NYC, DC/Virginia, now Germany — that there are many silent, walking wounded among my sisters and brothers. I’ve been among the wounded at times as have my mother and sisters with no soft place to land and find topics like these discussed. As I teach my Valiant 10/11 yr old girls each week, I want them to cling to their faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ and let the rest settle, to be proactive for what matters to them and use those talents they’ve been given. You’re doing a great thing sharing these podcasts for women like me who now have something to challenge my mind while I do the dishes . . . again. Thank you!

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