735-738: Kimberly Anderson’s Journey from Living 45 Years as a Mormon Man to Living Openly as a Woman

Kimberly Anderson is a self-actualized woman who has made the change from living for 45 years as a Mormon man to living openly as a woman.  Before her transition, she lived, worked, and thrived for decades as a spouse, parent of two children, faithful Mormon, professional photographer, and university professor (BYU, UVU, Snow College).  

Kimberly has a BA and an MFA from Utah State University, has exhibited widely both nationally and internationally as a professional photographer, and has work in various collections throughout the Intermountain West. She has taught as an adjunct professor at Brigham Young University, Snow College and Utah Valley University.  She is the founder/photographer for the Mama Dragons Story Project which was recently featured on Mormon Stories Podcast.

This interview kicks off a 4-part series on Transgender/Intersex education within Mormonism.

Link to Mama Dragon Story Project: https://www.blurb.com/b/6975930-mama-dragon-story-project

Part 1: Kimberly describes her early life as a child and teen raised in the LDS Church

Part 2: Kimberly tells about her LDS mission experience, her marriage, and having children

Part 3: Kimberly details the sacrifices required when she made the decision to transition

Part 4: Kimberly shares the impact her transition had on her Mormon life, and shares her vision of the future

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

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7 Responses

  1. LOVED this episode! I have one trans friend, who’ve I’ve only ever known as Morgan….to me, I can’t ever see her as a man (her assigned gender at birth). It’s just interesting how hard it is for me to ‘bend’ my mind to see her as a man- clearly she was meant to be a woman.

    So inspired by you Kim, and happy you’re such a great advocate!!!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your story. You have done so much to help others and this will help educate and enlighten so many. Great job.

  3. I was greatly educated by this discussion. I used to wonder if Trans people were possessed — if that gives you any indication of what I used to be like.

    Thank you so much for sharing.

    Kimberly — you are so brave and strong. I am in awe of you.

  4. Kimberly Anderson…you inspire me. You wow me. Thank you for sharing you and your insight. Amazing, amazing person. I love you. <3, Karin Josefina Berg

  5. It took me a week to finish listening but I’d like to say, WOW! Thank you so much for finding the courage to openly discuss your journey Kimberly. Thank you John for facilitating the conversation. As both of you alluded to education is the key to better understanding ourselves and the world around us. This episode was truly educational for me. The T in lgbtq+ is a subject that most of us need to understand more clearly. I want to echo what John said in closing, please, please Kimberly keep shining your light on the world.

  6. “Accept and love first….understand later”. I love that! What an amazing life story this woman Kimberly Anderson has had. Thanks for sharing it with us. John Dehlin asks such thought-provoking and engaging questions of his guests too. Excellent stuff!

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