Apostle Russell Ballard Gives Tithing Donor Info to Tim Ballard, Sean Reyes Glenn Beck Allegations | Ep. 1833

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Shocking new filing in the Tim Ballard case alleges that Mormon apostle M. Russell Ballard gives wealthy tithing donor info to Tim Ballard and OUR to help them fundraise, that Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes intimidated possible witnesses, and that Glenn Beck was collaborating with apostle Neil L. Andersen, Tim Ballard, and Sean Reyes to do damage control with the Tim Ballard harassment allegations debacle.

Amended Complaint

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3 Responses

  1. How pathetic is it that Tim Ballard may have become a US Senator and gotten away with all his alleged grifts
    If he had kept his trousers zipped up

  2. Jesus needs to clean out the Mormon Church leadership like Jesus cleared out the Money Changers in the Temple. What is happening in the Church is due to 100 years of Prosperity Gospel preaching. Mormon culture is itself corrupt, greedy, self-centered. More Mormons have Narcissistic Personality Disorder than the general population I’m sure. Loyalty to Church leadership is the Whole of the Law. Lying for the Church is an old institution is still alive and well and the “Unspoken Rule” among Church leaders and their functionaries.

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