In this edition of Mormon Stories Podcast, Margi Dehlin turns the tables and asks John all the questions—focusing on what surprised John about his excommunication process, what the best and most difficult parts of running Mormon Stories and The Open Stories Foundation are, what are some regrets he has, what keeps him up at night, what his motivations are behind his parenting and relationships, along with much more!
Part 1 – John discusses the rewards and challenges of running Mormon Stories and The Open Stories Foundation:
Part 2 – John discusses his motivations behind his work, his parenting, his relationships, and much more:
Part 1
Part 2
13 Responses
Oh m y gosh..this interview speaks volumes for love, vulnerbility, honest hurt..and honest self reflection. I so admire you John. Please, please note to that self awareness of the honest good you have done. Mistakes?? Yes. But because these things keep you awake, you are the teachable child that brought you to these moments in your life.
Take all your knowledge, wisdom and all those good things around you as well as who you are as a Dr. and what you teach…take those things and apply them to your personal growth…you have already …you just need to see that.
You are our postmormon Ghandi…our Oprah…and our voices that are silenced sometimes by those we love inside and outside the world of mormonsim. Your touch with your purpose..is the touch that humanizes all of us.
Best to you, Margie and family..
Thank you Vickie for putting into words so perfectly and beautiful. John the service,love,devotion ,caring a ton of other talents have saved many of us perhaps at time you feel like you are headed to the sluter but as calm as a summers breeze . You are are inspiring to all of us who seek help and acceptance . Thank you
Please, please, please, please, do some interviews of others together! You both bring such interesting, thoughtful, and different perspectives to this. Love to you both!!
Thanks for the deep honesty and vulnerability! You are both amazing human beings. May God (universe, joy, hope) bless your continued development and journeys.
I am not only NOT Mormon but I’m not even religious. In the least. And yet, for the past year I have been listening to Mormon stories. I see these stories as great sagas of courageous journeys and the sheer beauty of transcending that which does not serve and indeed, often hinders. And the continuing thread is you, John. Your own journey, your own heart which seeks truth and clarity. Of course mistakes have been made! As your wonderful and wise wife points out- you are human. We all are. And we all falter, we all fail, we all doubt ourselves. But the sheer glory of it is the continuing desire to seek truth, to show love, to get up and do what it is we have before us to do.
That’s you, John. And you will probably never have any idea how many lives you have changed for the better. How many eyes you have opened. How much good you have done.
Thank you for allowing us to see a part of yourself and your work and your family which only adds authenticity to your voice.
May you continue this good work for as long as you are able. You absolutely never know whose life you are touching.
Fascinating insights on all levels! My wife and I hadn’t considered all of the behind the scenes struggles. It makes us appreciate what Mormon Stories has accomplished even more.
Thanks for your vulnerability and owning the struggles of your journey. Sounds like you are wanting to do what you love (interviews, therapy, retreats) rather than the roles of a CEO, manager, or business entrepreneur. We don’t learn these things sometimes without venturing into the unknown and trying. Hopefully you have a better idea now of what roles you do not want as your career continues to take shape. I hope the hurts will heal and those who worked for you can obtain meaningful work they desired in other directions. I’m glad you have Margi at your side to give you support through this journey. Hope you can help many more as this movement continues to grow. Thanks for all you have done!
Sincere and sweet interview, honest and open. I attended a podcast where John interviewed Greg Prince and he had the audience sing the Primary song, I’ll Walk with You. His sincerity was touching,: the ability bring people together is a talent he has. The community will develop as it needs to. Hope you both can enjoy your part in itt; it’s a gift you have given.
John and Margi…. What a wonderful interview. It was delightful to see Margi at the controls and John responding to her questions. I hope that you know what support and encouragement both of you have given to so many. I admire your introspection and the analysis of your journey with Mormon Stories …. Keep up the great work you are doing to the benefit of so many.
Can I get a copy of these interview questions? I’d love to learn more about my husband by doing this.
I’m with Jodi (above)! Would love to have those interview questions to ask my own husband!
Dear Margi and John,
I am so grateful that you have taught me much in regard to patiently hoping for my sweet, dedicated, Mormon niece (grew up like sisters, being 3 three years apart in ages) and her precious LDS family. Meanwhile, my heart is flowing with love for each of you who have been so deeply indoctrinated in belief that the Bible is in error – as I clearly see how you can be greatly benefited with the refreshing Eternal Perspectives you would get from author Randy Alcorn’s HEAVEN book and related resources (www.eternal perspectives.org). Not someone who died and went to heaven, but rather an honest seeker of clarity on where his mother (dear friend) was headed while he sat by her deathbed and probed the Bible for real answers to his questions. His discoveries show brilliant, exciting light on what we have been deceived about though books, movies, and mistaken assumptions that Eternity will be a boring existence where people float on clouds strumming harps; are on their faces learning LDS instructions; and polygamists populate planets where TIME will be no more! AWFUL!!!
I just know that with your creative hearts and souls, if you would let your God-given minds fly on the scriptures as only Alcorn can inspire you to, you might find that this is one more amazing gift that can be unwrapped by you. This one, bursting with surprises that pull all of the truths together and make sense of hurting and confusion that often lead to dead ends. I would happily send you copies of Alcorn’s works on HEAVEN as well as his on HAPPINESS (the one thing that all people ultimately are seeking), if you would respond with a yes.
If you haven’t gotten into these, you have enormous treasures in store that will increase your precious efforts to help the grieving – from children on up, who hunger for answers about where loved ones go when they die. Jesus knows my sincere heart for what I believe you could do with this powerful and thrilling message added to your ministry!
Praying you will give Him this opportunity to expand your faith and transcend your stories far beyond their present greatness. May the sharing of that compassion that you are exploding with find much further reaching goals. I’m pretty sure that you are going to LOVE applying Eternal Perspectives to EVERYTHING!!!
With my heart, Amy Jo
John and Margi,
I confess I have not really paid attention to Margi until I heard her presentation at the last Thrive conference. Years after I removed my name from the church, and well before the big wave, I accidentally found John’s Mormon Stories, and he helped me find the dark hidden places I now realize needed care. The primary theme I have learned from you, John, is that the offenses must be unwound to become whole. Listening to John with Margi gives me new insight and now I feel compelled to pair both of you for continued learning. As a long-time listener of MS, I ask that you just be you. Let the noise, which naturally clammers around brightness, drown itself out. I am one of the many which cheers you onward. Keep up the important work.
Thank you both!