980-982: Remembering the Swedish Rescue, From Those Who Attended

In November 2010, an emergency fireside was held in Stockholm, Sweden by Elder Marlin K. Jensen (Church historian at the time) and Elder Richard Turley (assistant Church historian) to address the faith crisis that ensued among an entire group of members and leaders in Stockholm including a stake president and Hans Mattsson, an Area Authority.

About 25 Swedes attended this fireside including all the local bishops and stake presidents. Those in attendance were those that were knowledgeable about the Church historical issues that were troubling many Swedes. The Swedes formed their own local Mormon Stories group and had over 600 Facebook members. They would openly discuss these issues amongst themselves.

Join us as we visit Sweden and relive the “Swedish Rescue” with a panel (Parts 1 & 2) including Hans Mattsson and his co-author of the book, “Truth Seeking: The Story of High-Ranking Mormon Leader Hans Mattsson Seeking Sincere Answers From His Church but Instead Finding Contempt, Fear, Doubt …and Eventually Peace,” Jonathan Bautista, Per Inge Birgersson, and Christina Hanke. In Part 3, we invite our live audience to approach the microphone and share their unique Scandinavian experiences in the LDS Church.

A recording of the original “Swedish Rescue” that was recorded covertly may be found here:


Part 1 – Our panelists retell why a “Swedish Rescue” was needed:

Part 2 – Our panelists describe what happened at the “Swedish Rescue” meeting:

Part 3 – Our live audience is invited to share their experiences:

Part 1

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Part 2

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Part 3

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5 Responses

  1. I served in Sweden from 1998-2000. I loved seeing some familiar faces in these videos. I just want to say that the genuine warmth and awesomeness of the Swedish people keeps me from altogether regretting my decision to give up two years of my young life on behalf of an institution that has misled and makes continued attempts to mislead.

    Varma hälsingar!

  2. Good to be reminded how Shocking the church history of polygamy and polyandry can be. Bro Turley probably does know much more historical problems that he is able to ignore. What are your thoughts on Sweden’s new “Religion of Humanism” the feel good act of welcoming a flood of immigrants that do not share their Christian values? Any Prophet from Bible would prophesy on such an epic change of culture, . But the “Corporation of the First Presidency” builds a Humanitarian (Refugee) Center and changes the hymn books . Thank You for standing strong in your inquiry for Answers

  3. Watching Part 2:

    Well said, Agnetha! The church is only a tool to help us come to Christ. Great marriage! You allow each other to be true to themselves.

    Respecting integrity over agreement. Yes, John, they should be on Mormon Stories.

    Nice to see Christina. We corresponded a couple of times via Email. She and Hans got this whole thing going.

  4. All those who spoke their minds and hearts in this podcast struck me as very sincere, open, honest, earnest, courageous, lovable, intelligent people. Even if you erase the past 979 podcasts, this podcast alone should make it obvious to anyone watching that there has to be something very wrong with a church that is losing so many people of such good character. In stark contrast, the posture (at least publicly) of the top church leaders seems insincere, evasive, deceptive, cold, ignorant, fearful, unmovable, and at times delusional. Perry’s secret manuscript in his briefcase might have worked to confirm the bias of TBMs, but to use it on people who have doubts and questions was not a good call. I guess he thought it was worth a shot, because at some point, every Mormon has swallowed the story of the gold plates that Joseph would not let anyone see, so why not Perry’s “manuscript?” It is both amazing and disturbing how our emotional and social needs can override our intellect and allow us to embrace absurdities. Knowing that the leadership is playing upon our human vulnerabilities to perpetuate a fraud, I could not trust them and could not remain associated with the church. How can we allow our children to sing, “Follow the Prophet?” I agree that it is not just church history, but how people are currently being treated that breaks shelves. Forgiving and re-baptizing pedophiles while keeping their confidences and letting innocent families and children be unknowingly exposed to them, campaigning against same sex marriage, permanently excommunicating homosexuals, restricting children of homosexuals from baby blessings and from baptism until eighteen then changing that policy only after many people took their own lives in despair, ignoring, dismissing or sweeping under the rug the abuse of women, trying to silence and discredit anyone with doubts and questions, keeping nonmember family members from attending temple weddings, the blaming and guilt that breed shame, silence, and isolation . . . all of it put together is just too much.

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