1157: The Resilience Breakthrough by Christian Moore (Thrive June 2019 Conference)

Presented by Christian Moore at the June 2019 THRIVE Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Christian’s book “The Resilience Breakthrough” can be purchased here!

NOTE: If you enjoy(ed) this presentation, please join us November 17th for THRIVEDAY2019.  THRIVEDAY2019 will be an entire day dedicated to healing, growth, and community beyond Mormonism.  Confirmed THRIVEDAY2019 speakers include Wayne Sermon (Guitarist, Imagine Dragons), Amber Scorah (NYT Bestseller “Leaving the Witness”), Christian Moore (Author/Speaker: The Resilience Breakthrough), Stephenie Larsen (Encircle), Mindy Gledhill (Musician), Liz Dalton (Rise Strong After Divorce) and many more.  Register here for THRIVEDAY2019!


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10 Responses

  1. ❤️❤️ ❤️ this! What a beautiful human.
    -Opposition in all things.
    -My strength is made perfect in weakness.
    Such great concepts and delivered perfectly!
    Thank you Christian Moore!

  2. Loved your presentation, it was very inspiring. You seem to have been made for what you do or put another way ‘You seem to have found your calling in life’. You brought out so many good points and principles that I am going to frequently listen to your talk and commit them to memory and try to internalize them for my personal growth. I also plan to share it with others. I wish I had access to you as my personal counselor but as is too often the case those who need it most can least afford it.

    I have listened to many of John’s Mormon Stories interviews and have benefited greatly from them. I feel so invalidated and misunderstood in my life regarding my break with the church as everyone in both my and my wife’s families are active Mormon and view me as “a lost sheep”. Most of them know nothing about my reasons for making the decision to leave. This is true of the friends I had while a member as well. Non member friends have no interest nor would I burden them with my plight so they are of little help either.

  3. Thank you, thank you for sharing yourself and what you have learned. This touched me immensely and helped me so much and I plan to share this to help others. Wishing you all the best ….with a little that’s not the best, so you can keep using that wonderful resilience you are teaching us about! Thank you for showing me that I have it too!

  4. Christian,
    This was fantastic! I have gone back to school to get my MSW (and hopefully, since I’m kinda old, will live long enough to get my LCSW-C ) I believe that social emotional learning is a best hope for our future world. I have so much to learn. Thanks for what you’ve taught me today. Hope I can do it justice when I start my placement at a high trauma elementary school this fall.

  5. Great talk for someone who wants to re-frame their way of thinking of adversity. I will be practicing looking at my life through different eyes, for sure.

  6. I used to work with Christian as a case manager about two decades ago. I remember his curriculum in its early stages and used to use it. I admired so much then and even more so now. I’d love to hear an interview about his faith transition.

  7. ♥️ this. I used anger and avoidance to graduate from UCSD in Biochem in three years while being an intercollegiate athlete, volunteering and completing pre-med requirements. People would ask how I do it and I never thought I could tell the truth. Anger and avoidance creates a lot of energy. I eventually had to stop running and face my pain head on, but by then I had the self-confidence to know the pain can’t break me!

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