Problematic Mormon Revelations after Joseph Smith w/ LDS Discussions Ep 38 | Ep. 1749

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Today we discuss several problematic “revelations” by LDS prophets that succeeded Joseph Smith.  These include:

  • John Taylor’s 1886 revelation on the continuation of polygamy.
  • The multiple “manifestos” allegedly ending the practice of polygamy (but not really).
  • The lifting of the 1978 priesthood and temple ban against Mormons of African descent.
  • Changes to the LDS temple ceremony over the years.
  • Russell M. Nelson’s condemnation of the use of the “Mormon” identity after Gordon B. Hinckley and Thomas S. Monson’s strong support of the “Mormon” identity.
  • The 2015 LGBTQ Exclusion policy, and the subsequent 2019 reversal of the policy/doctrine.
  • The Mark Hofmann forgeries.

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2 Responses

  1. I find it interesting that God tells Joseph Smith to not worry about recovering the lost 116 pages because evil men will change them to try and make him look like a fraud, yet he gives Joseph Smith no such warning for the kinderhook plates.

  2. my understanding is at about the same time. The state of Wisconsin was getting ready to sue the church to take away their tax exempt status if they did not back away from the black priesthood ban. source is Alan Blodgett who was chief. financial of the church at the time

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