Swedish Rescue Audio Ep. 518-519

Please note that the quality of this recording is due to the covert nature in how it was recorded, and has been edited now to eliminate the introductions in Swedish and to optimize volume.

On November 28, 2010, an emergency fireside was held in Stockholm, Sweden by Elder Marlin K. Jensen (Church historian at the time) and Elder Richard Turley (assistant Church historian) to address the faith crisis that ensued among an entire group of members and leaders in Stockholm including a stake president and Hans Mattsson, an Area Authority.

This episode features the actual recording from that meeting.

About 25 Swedes attended this fireside including all the local bishops and stake presidents. Those in attendance were those that were knowledgeable about the Church historical issues that were troubling many Swedes. The Swedes formed their own local Mormon Stories group and had over 600 Facebook members. They would openly discuss these issues amongst themselves.

On September 15, 2018, we visit with many of those who attended the “Swedish Rescue” and hold a 3-part panel discussion surrounding the events of that meeting.  You may find those episodes here:


The “AMindExpanded” Youtube Channel is hosting a video version of this recording that aligns with a typed transcript to help those who may have difficulty understanding the audio version:


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3 Responses

  1. Wow!! What a sh*t show. I almost felt sorry for Jenson and Turley, but they are trying to defend the indefensible. No wonder hundreds of Swedes quit the Church after this. My guess is the Church will not be holding these “in camera” firesides due to the palpable “bs” in the air. I’m so glad I took the time to listen to this missed episode. Thanks John

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