The Sermon on the Mount in the Book of Mormon w/ LDS Discussions – 14 | Ep. 1629

We dive into the Sermon on the Mount and look at why it appears in the Book of Mormon along with what the changes tell us about the author of the Book of Mormon.


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Show Notes: 

LDS Discussions article: 

Track Changes: The Sermon on the Mount – Book of Mormon vs. New Testament: 

Book of Mormon Central explanation: 

Brent Metcalfe MS episode 

MS Episode with Bart Ehrman 


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4 Responses

  1. Such an important topic that is more than worthy of putting front and center for interested parties to consume and learn about.

    In general, for sessions that are about topics rather than people’s stories, I really like the panel approach. In fact, in general I find the Mormon Stories with panels on them to be the most interesting ones in the library. And of course, Mormon Studies would not be Mormon Stories without JD offering his perspective. It’s part of MS formula of success.

  2. Do the translation errors and copying of the New Testament text word for word occur for versions of the BoM and KJV that are in other languages or is this just an issue in the English versions of these texts?

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