Parenting After Mormonism with Rachel | Ep. 1608


Join Margi and John for our next episode of Thrive Stories this coming Tuesday at noon (MST).

Rachel of PostMormon Parenting on Instagram will be joining us in the studio!  Rachel was born and raised in a Mormon family on the east coast. She spent her youth preparing to be a “mother in Zion.” She had three children before her faith transition, and her parenting style was modeled after the examples she found in the scriptures and at church. During and after her faith transition, she realized that this style was doing more harm than good, and things needed to change.  Hear her story and  WHAT has changed in her parenting style on Thrive Stories!

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One Response

  1. Wow. You guys really nailed this with explaining the obedience/scarcity/authority model. I understand now why some of my friends raised this way never believed in their own compass. I remember my mother’s expressions of disdain for parents who abdicated their child rearing responsibilities to the church. (She always treated us as though we were essentially good. She would confer with us, even as children. That respect we eventually internalized into self respect. Not that we didn’t misbehave or get punished, but we had our own self respect as reassurance and our guide.

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