Tim Ballard’s Alleged Victims Press Conference – The Couple’s Ruse | Ep. 1819

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Women alleging abuse during their time as employees and contractors of Operation Underground Railroad have retained Attorney Suzette Rasmussen as counsel. She will address the media with a statement on behalf of the alleged victims who have chosen to remain anonymous on Thursday.

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2 Responses

  1. OMG, John and team. You are not a news operation. Please stay with what you do well— interpreting and giving context to first-person accounts and verified information.
    There is nothing worse than breathless, hackneyed reporting, with a few disingenuous disclaimers. (Our information has not been verified but we’ll nevertheless follow extensively with unverified information.) Tim in his underwear ? We’re not sure but we’ll give you breaking news on that in a few minutes if we’re lucky enough to pull it out of another interview?

    Hey, the story sounds plausible about Ballard, but even if you’ve had your inside tipsters for years, the commentary is still embarrassingly amateurish and speculative. Did you really lead this podcast by saying that “these things are best handled by the judicial system?”
    We just sat through an agonizingly painful account of how Adam Steed was smeared by false accusations. Yet the impetus for this podcast is to rebroadcast a public statement by several OUR employees who don’t want to say anything but plan to “tell their story in their OWN time” [?] So they can’t wait for the courts? Is this not playing to the monkey court of public opinion? That is Trump’s game.

    Hey, it sounds like Ballard’s circus needs to be exposed and ended. But today’s big reveal via Mormon Stories is badly done and not up to your usual broadcast standards.
    Please guys, as your fan, avoid this approach. News rooms have the engineering support and the script writers to put together a coherent report. And they have to be very careful with attributions. Not your best work. We could have waited. 🙏

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