865-866: Q&A with Tova Mirvis – Author of “The Book of Separation”

We are proud to release our live interview held on February 6, 2018 at the Salt Lake City Community of Christ with Tova Mirvis—a past guest on Mormon Stories.  For this interview, we relied on the excellent questions from our live audience to drive the conversation.  We explore so many of the parallels between the faith transition experiences in Orthodox Judaism and Mormonism, and talk some more about her writing The Book of Separation and how it has touched many of our listeners since tuning into her Mormon Stories episode.  While in Salt Lake City, Tova provided more context to her book when she appeared on KUER’s RadioWest that same day—an interview that may be found here.

Our earlier interview with Tova may be found here:


Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 1:

Part 2:


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