697-699: Celebrating the Life of Grant Palmer

In this three-part interview, we honor Grant Palmer, former LDS seminary/institute instructor, and author of “An Insider’s View of Mormon Origins” – which provides a plausible explanation for how the Book of Mormon was authored by Joseph Smith.

This interview has three parts:

Part 1: Grant reflects on his experience authoring An Insider’s View of Mormon origins, discusses his disfellowshipment and ultimate decision to resign from the LDS (after threats of excommunication).  Grant also reflects upon the impact of An Insider’s View on the LDS church.

Part 2: Grant discusses his new, yet-to-be-published book, “Restoring Christ.”  Within the book he discusses why he continues to believe, how he justifies belief in Christ and the Bible after losing faith in the LDS church and in the Book of Mormon, what the atonement does and doesn’t mean to him, how he deals with the God of the Old Testament, etc.  He also discusses in-depth his conversation with an LDS general authority who claims that modern LDS apostles receive $1 million once they become apostles, and that many of them do not believe the LDS church to be true (a claim that I challenge).

Part 3: Participants in the evening share with Grant what his work has meant to them.  In addition, Tyler Glenn (Neon Trees) sings two songs in honor of Grant from his new album, Excommunication.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

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13 Responses

  1. First things first. What is the best way to purchase multiple copies of “An Insider’s View of Mormon Origins” that will return the most profit to Grant personally? I need a dozen of them.

  2. Absolutely wonderful podcast & YouTube video!! I am traveling on business on Presidents Day and had an open calendar all afternoon at my hotel to watch this program uninterrupted. Thanks again Grant Palmer for your great works as a historian, researcher, author, and teacher.

    Thanks John for pulling this together and to the network of people who contributed to having this wonderful celebration for Grant. As an added bonus, I loved seeing so many former Mormon Stories interviewees give a comment at the end. From Jeremy to Sandra and all the rest, it was awesome to feel their love and admiration related to people like Grant as it contributes to their own stories. Loved Tyler Glenn’s contribution as well. Thank You!!

  3. Hello John,
    I may be wrong, but I don’t believe there has ever been an episode dealing with the “Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon.” I first learned of the Sealed Portion listening to Ida Smith, descendant of Hyrum Smith, on UTube interview. I understand Ms. Smith passed away February 2015. I’m curious if Grant Palmer personally knew her or has ever researched the Sealed Portion. It may be a good idea to get on record any comments Mr. Grant has to say regarding Ida Smith and subject of the Sealed Portion.
    Thank you very much.
    Best regard

    1. @ Jose S. **Sigh** Christopher Nemelka is a con artist… just like Joseph Smith, Jr. Seriously… it doesn’t take much research to find women who describe how CN conned them into sex… and it is also pretty easy finding videos where Chris N describes that the whole thing is a con to take advantage of gullible Mormons. It might be an interesting podcast. But only because CN is such a character.

  4. I have nothing but the deepest respect for you, Grant Palmer. I’ve listened to all of your interviews and talks, and I’ve read both of your books. I’m looking forward to reading this next one too.

    I wish I could meet you before you embark on your next adventure. You’re an excellent son! Thank you for all you’ve done to share the “real” Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    God Bless You …

  5. Grant
    What a legacy of wisdom, knowledge and integrity you have offered in love and service. Only those who have struggled to climb out of the darkness of the LDS and other factions of the Mormon religion can truly appreciate your sacrifice, sincerity and courage in sharing your experiences and study. There are no words that can express true gratitude for the gifts you have offered. I can only say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know the Lord’s blessings are with you and your family.
    My very best to you

  6. It’s both interesting and sad to get the knowledgeable insight of others into what the Mormon church has become. Although I left both Mormonism and Christianity long ago for reasons totally unrelated to Joseph Smith or the Book of Mormon, I remember a church and leaders back then that seemed to have some actual soul and depth and character and warmth. And not just Hugh B. Brown and Neal Maxwell.

    I think many Mormons are much better than their leaders, or are diminished by their leaders and the culture. Others seem to successfully incorporate Mormonism into their lives and selves, and genuinely authentic & impressive families and accomplishment. Hat’s off to them.

    There’s a wealth now of obvious reasons for leaving Mormonism (and Christianity), and I’d like to think that were I still in a Mormon today that I’d judge rightly, too, and do the right thing. It’s a little curious at this late date that things Mormon have once again become somewhat interesting.

    John Dehlin, have you already, or might you consider a podcast with Craig Criddle, exploring the origin of the Book of Mormon as a collaborative between Sidney Rigdon, Joseph Smith, Cowdery and Pratt using a lost & missing Spalding “Manuscript Found”? (I vacillate between that and Joseph Smith as the sole/primary author as per Grant Palmer and others.)

    Nice podcast and tribute to Grant Palmer, thanks.

  7. I watched this interview with great interest and attention. You have no idea how much your life’s work has influenced the pursuit of truth and understanding of LDS history and its influence on the current status of Mormonism. So many have been dismayed and discarded as they have tried to make sense of it all, and you have provided a well researched and clear outline and assessment of the historical realities and the many issues that have shaped the Church. Your legacy to the LDS community is an impressive one and will reach far into the future.
    As you confront your health challenge may Christ’s love bring you peace and contentment. May God bless you.. Grant Palmer!

  8. Thanks for your book, Grant Palmer! That was the book that really killed my traditional testimony of the LDS church. But like you, I’ve retained, and strengthened, my faith in Christ.

  9. I loved this interview. I have a profound respect for Grant and the type of person he is. Thank you for your integrity and your example.

  10. Great Podcast! God bless you Grant!

    My interest was pricked when Grant stated that some of the incidents/reports about Thomas Monson are absolutely hair raising. Has Grant shared these or does anyone else know on these? Thanks!


  11. Lot’s of respect for Grant and I wish him as well as can be. I was surprised by what seemed to be his lack of personal insight in not recognizing his own emotionally based belief system. At times he would say “Well, maybe I’m just biased by how I was brought up… but I don’t think so.” John tried to press him on it. He frighteningly said something to the effect of “Yeah, but what I’VE experienced is way beyond what the average mormon could ever claim.” He also said “Life after death just feels right to me.” I found this puzzling.

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