“Infinite Shades of Black and White”

A Mormon Stories Conferences Statement of Purpose
can be found at the end of this page.

Friday, October 19th

6:30 – 10:00 p.m. – POTLUCK SOCIAL
Location: 81 Vine Street #500, Seattle, WA 98199

SATURDAY, October 20th

Location: Woodland Park Community of Christ, 5555 Phinney Avenue N., Seattle, WA 98103
Standard Price: 37.00 Registrants may pay less or more, depending on ability to pay. Free admissions available. All are welcome regardless. See registration section below for details.

12:00-1:30 p.m. – FIRST SESSION
Conducting: Erin Phelps
Non-traditional Prayer:
Musical Number: Nate Ihli
Keynote Speaker: Kristine Haglund
Keynote Speaker: Brent Metcalfe
Congregational Hymn: Love is Spoken Here

1:30 – 2:00 p.m. – BREAK MINGLE

2:00 – 3:30 p.m. – SECOND SESSION
Conducting: Blain Nelson
Community Speaker: Jenne Erigero Alderks
Panel Discussion Moderated by  Jenne Alderks : Cheryl Bruno, Natalie Kelly, Garen Thatcher, Jon Anderton

3:30 – 4:00 p.m. – BREAK/MINGLE

4:00 – 5:15 p.m. – STORY SHARING MEETING
Conducting: Natalie Kelly
Musical Number: Erin Phelps
-Story Sharing-
Congregational Hymn: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Accompanist: Cathy Barker

Traditional Prayer:

Mormon Stories Story Sharing Meetings are conducted in the tradition of Mormon testimony meetings. The microphone is open for all attendees to share their thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Those who currently identify with the Mormon faith tradition, those who identified with it in the past and all others are encouraged to share regardless of level of belief or activity.


515 Madison Street, Seattle, Washington 98104
3rd floor of the Seattle Renaissance Hotel

Sunday, October 21st

515 Madison Street, Seattle, Washington 98104
3rd floor of the Seattle Renaissance Hotel

12:00 noon – SEATTLE CENTER SOCIAL – Pacific Science Center



The standard Saturday conference price is $37. If you cannot pay $37, please select $10, $20 or $25. If you feel you can afford to pay more and would like to help subsidize others’ registrations, you may select $50, $75, or $100. Conference registrations are not tax-deductible. Anyone who cannot pay $10 may email Anne at MormonStories@gmail.com to request free admission. Again, please choose the price that you feel best reflects your own ability to pay. All are welcome regardless.

FREE admissions to ALL Mormon Stories conferences are our thank you to pledge-level members. $500 per annum pledge-level memberships available for as little as $41.67 a month. Click the button below to join. Please see our donate tab for more information. All pledge-level membership donations are tax-deductible.

If you would prefer, instead, to make a one-time tax-deductible donation, please use the one-time donation button. Admission to the conference will be gifted to conference donors. No minimum donation necessary; we look forward to seeing you.


Mormon Stories Conferences Statement of Purpose:

Mormon Stories conferences seek to be safe spaces where community members can express themselves authentically regardless of activity level in the Mormon Church or belief in any particular ideology. They do not attempt to persuade attendees to subscribe to any specific belief system or to make any specific life decisions. Rather, they intend to be places where community members of disparate beliefs can gather together to share personal life experiences. Traditional believing members, fundamentalists, apologists, atheists, agnostics, community members who adhere to other religions, women, men and people of all sexual orientations are equally welcome and have an equal standing in the community.

Conferences are convened in the spirit of the Mormon Stories Shared Values:


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