I am so excited for Sunstone I could jump up and down singing “Hallelujiah.” The preliminary program is now out (click here to view).

Anyone want to meet for breakfast or lunch or something during the conference? Or do a get together after one of the evenings?

Let me know. I’d be happy to organize something. I can’t wait to meet some of you!!!!!

Also, if you haven’t registered yet, please consider registering. Not only can I promise that you will thoroughly enjoy it…but I can also tell that Sunstone could use your support.

I hope to see many of you there!!!!!

John Dehlin

8 Responses

  1. I’d love to! Don’t know which sessions I can make but plan on attending at least one days worth.

  2. I’ll be at Sunstone, and would be delighted to attend a Bloggernacle/Mormon stories get together, but I’m not sure right now what days I’ll be there. I have to do a lot of family stuff too,since I live in California, and my high school reunion is Saturday night. I’ll also be in to USU earlier sometime for my ice cream cone. :)

  3. John & co:

    There will be some lunch “Meet & Greet” meetings for Sunstone newbies (on Thurs and Fri). What if we all attend these so we can meet each other as well as befriend new Sunstoners. What do you think?

  4. Hey Jana!

    The meet and greets will definitely work. I’m also open to a breakfast or dinner or late night afterwards as well….perhaps we can informally plan during the meet and greets.

    For all who don’t know me…I’m 6’6″, brown hair. Late 30s. Chubbier than I want to be. :)

    I’ll have a name tag on……

  5. Breakfast, lunch or dinner. Any one sounds good. I have to check my schedule, but I think during the week I’m only good for the morning sessions. I’ll stick out, too: just look for the token Republican.

    And somebody here owes me an ice cream cone.

  6. A heads up– if you’re from out of town, and planning on attending Sunstone– better get your hotel reserved, NOW. There’s also the big outdoor trade show at the same time. I wasn’t sure what days I would be at Sunstone, until now, and just tried to get a room for one night only– there’s nothing downtown– just a few of the hotels out at the airport left.