Anne B. Wilde – Understanding Mormon Fundamentalist Polygamy | Ep. 42-46

In part 1 of this 5 part interview, Anne B. Wilde (Independent Mormon Fundamentalist, polygamist, and founder of Principle Voices) discusses the early practice of polygamy within the LDS Church.

In part 2, Anne discusses the rise of Mormon Fundamentalism after the LDS Church decided to stop teaching plural marriage as an official church doctrine. She also discusses the schism within Mormon Fundamentalism, resulting in the various sects that exist today, in the 21st century.

In part 3, Anne discusses her story–recounting how she went from being a traditional member of the LDS Church: BYU graduate, married in the temple, and mother of 3 children–to becoming a practicing Mormon Fundamentalist and polygamist–all while remaining active in the LDS church, and raising her children in her Salt Lake City ward.

Part 4: When many of us, as Mormons, think about 21st century polygamy, we often associate it with what we see on TV, or read in the paper: 60 year old men taking 13 year old child brides. Incest. Wifes being reassigned to other husbands. Welfare fraud. Basically, we think about the most egregious examples to come from the isolated, closed communities of the Fundamentalist LDS Church, led by Warren Jeffs. And while this ugly side of polygamy definitely exists, it is not the complete picture. Members of the FLDS church make up less than 1/3 of all Mormon polygamists. Many of them live in suburban Salt Lake City neighborhoods, dress in modern clothing, hold modern jobs–and in some cases, even attend the LDS church wards. In this episode, Anne discusses polygamy gone wrong, and polygamy gone right. The ugly, and the beautiful sides of polygamy, from her experiences–both as a polygamist, and as a friend to literally hundreds of polygamous families throughout Salt Lake City, and Utah.

In the final portion of our 5 part interview, Anne shares with us her views on a plethora of topics, including the Adam God Theory, Blood Atonement, Blacks and the Priesthood, feminism, and homosexuality. She also discusses her view of the future–both for Mormon Fundamentalism, and the world. And in my favorite part of the entire series, Anne concludes by sharing with us her testimony.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 1

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Part 2

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Part 3

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Part 4

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Part 5

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7 Responses

  1. Enjoyed listening to this…
    I think the book she mentioned by Ogden Kraut, “Jesus was Married” was the one I read years and years ago at BYU (1981, 1982?). Since I read the book I’ve always believed in the possibility that he was married. The book made some very good points. I wonder if it’s still available??

  2. I am seeking to correspond with others who would share their knowledge and experience regarding biblical polygyny ( one husband, one or more female spouses ). I am not a member of any religious fellowship or organisation. I am what could be best described as an: ‘Independant-Adamic Aryan Identity Hebraic-Principal-Puritan-Sovereigntist Fundamentalist’. I believe all women who claim to “follow CHRIST” ought to understand the value of ‘head-covering’ however I believe the responsibility for such inspiration is upon the men closest to her in her life, men who are primarily responsible for; helping her become virtuous, protect her from harm due to the world’s hate of such practices, and rewarding her because of her faith and dedication.

    It is a blessing for a husband to have a modest and ‘natural’ wife…a double blessing indeed if she seek righteousness, even more so if all her practices and observances are to lift-up her husband, and likewise her HEAVENLY FATHER.

    Of this general concept I hope to grow in a practical understanding of from both polygyny and monogamous Christian marriage relationships and households.

    Text / call: 16043732961

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